May | Cashew Kitchen
May | Cashew Kitchen
May | Cashew Kitchen

Red Grapefruit Slushie | Oat & Rye Porridge w apple, peanut butter & raspberriesOk seriöst, VAD hände med denna månad? I mitt huvud har våren precis kommit igång, så jag blev mäkta förvånad när jag här om dagen märkte att syrenerna redan nästan blommat över. Det är liksom sommar nu!! Senast jag köpte jordgubbar smakade de faktiskt som jordgubbar, och jag har en hel hög med nektariner i fruktskålen som väntar på att riktigt mogna till sig. Matmässigt har vi en helt fantastisk säsong framför oss. Spända, krispiga grönsaker och röda bär. Jag föreställer mig dagar fyllda av krispiga sallader, tropiska smoothies och fingrar röda av konstant jordgubbs- och vattenmelonätande. Åh!-Ok seriously, WHAT happened to this month? In my mind, spring has just about started, so it was with great surprise I noticed the other day that the lilacs had already over bloomed. It's frickin summer now!! The last box of strawberries I bought actually tastes like strawberries, and I have a whole pile of nectarines in my fruit bowl biding their time. Food-wise, early summer is such an awesome season. Those tender green vegetables and red berries. I imagine this next month is gonna be all about crispy salads, tropical smoothies and fingers red from endless of strawberry & watermelon munching.Chia Trifle | Vanilla Poached Rhubarb with Yoghurt & Pistachio CrumbleI juni ser jag fram emot att åka ut på landet för att fira midsommar med vänner, att hälsa på Karoline i Skåne, och Maria när hon har flyttat till drömhuset samt att peta in så många picknickar och dagsutflykter jag möjligen kan. När exakt jag ska jobba vet jag inte riktigt, på kvällarna kanske? Svårt att bildredigera och skriva blogginlägg när det är så här soligt. Men att skapa oreda i köket med Veronika Maggios senaste album i bakgrunden, smutta på ginger beer och ge Hannah hacka-grönsaker-direktiv, det kan jag ;-) Vad har ni för planer?-In June I look forward to spending Midsummer (summer solstice) in the countryside with friends, to visit Karoline in south of Sweden and play around with delicious food, go see Maria once she's moved to her dream house and fit in as many picnics and day trips as I possibly can. I'm not entirely sure when I will actually work, perhaps in the evenings? Hard to photo edit and write blog posts when it's this sunny anyway. But creating a mess in the kitchen while listening to the new Veronica Maggio album, sipping ginger beer and giving chopping directions to Hannah, that I can do ;-) What are your plans?Roasted Peaches with Herbed Ricotta | Chia TrifleOk, for all of you newcomers, at the end of each month I share everything I've been crushing on on the internet for the past month. Food, articles, music, podcasts, tv shows etc! Tradition says we do it in English only :-) Please share your own favorite reads of the month in the comment section! 

May Link Love

  • Again, Elin's post about the importance of link love. We can never do enough sharing, and if you're being generous with giving cred to the people that inspires you, you can be sure to get that love back by a thousandfold. (in Swedish)

  • The sustainability challenges from Ekoenkelt. Especially this first one about food waste, which is an important issue for me as I work with food daily and constantly struggle with taking care of it all. I would say I'm pretty good at eating of almost all of the food I produce for recipes, but there's definitely improvement to be made, for example when it comes to planning my grocery shopping. (in Swedish)

  • These Sesame + Sea Salt Dark Chocolate Brownies from Happy Hearted Kitchen that I'm dying to make. Thanks Annika for the tip!

  • Tara's post about the little ceremonies of her kitchen. Like making the favorite granola each Sunday night and follow a bread baking program throughout the week. The granola making routine I know too well, and when feeling balanced and in sync with the rhythm of my own life I also make sure the pantry is stocked with homemade seed crackers, nut butters and toasted almonds. I can feel quite lost when there's no time fitting those habits into my schedule.

  • The idea of adding tahini for creaminess in soups like Lindsey does sounds like pure brilliantness to my ears, since I love everything tahini. This Creamy Tahini & Lemon Asparagus Soup will hopefully find its way into my kitchen very soon, along with fat piece of garlic toast. Nom! From Dolly & Oatmeal.

  • The fact that you can pre-order Maria's debut cookbook "Made by Marys Gröna frukost"- Omg so excited!! Let's hope it will be translated into English very soon ;-)

  • The unhealthy truth behind clean eating and wellness. I haven't wrote much about this on the blog, but I'm becoming more and more skeptical towards "clean eating" and "wellness". I do value unprocessed food and I like to buy as much organic as I can afford. I also like to take care of myself in terms of exercise, sleep, yoga etc. But the one thing I find helps me stress down the most and accept myself and the situation, is to practice forgiveness and carelessness. To take the convenient food option instead of the healthy one and stop trying to fit a million morning routines into my day before even having breakfast. This industry of wellness needs to be looked at from a critical perspective.I found the article in one of Laura's happy hour posts (which I btw love!).

  • Clara's post on why we should love content marketing on blogs. From January, but still - so relevant! (in Swedish)

  • WHY have I never though about making spaghetti out of potatoes?! (in Swedish)

  • This Being Boss episode about SEO made easy for creatives. So helpful.

  • Nerdette Recaps Game of Thrones. SO obsessed with this podcast. Thanks Elin for the tip!

xo AgnesAll photographs, recipes and content are Cashew Kitchen originals, unless otherwise indicated. Always link back here and credit Cashew Kitchen when sharing. Thanks!