Juni Länkkärlek | June Link Love

June | Cashew Kitchen
June | Cashew Kitchen

Det känns så lyxigt att redan ha fått uppleva flera veckor av drömmigt sommarväder! För en gångs skull ligger jag lite före i sommaraktiviteterna, och har redan njutit av massvis med söta jordgubbar och vattenmelon, doppat tårna i sjön (och hela mig, men det var kallt!), tagit en eftermiddagslur på en filt i trädgården, fått fräknar, tagit med middagen ut till parken, sippat på någon after workdrink i kvällssolen och fångat den svenska landsbygden under den gyllene timman flera gånger. Låt oss hoppas att juli fortsätter i samma anda!-I feel lucky to already having had several weeks of dreamy summer days. Normally Sweden can be very unpredictable and cold in June. But this year I feel like I'm a little bit ahead, having already enjoyed plenty of sweet strawberries and watermelon, dipped my toes in the lake, fallen asleep on a blanket in the garden, got freckles, brought dinner outside to a nearby park, enjoyed after work drinks in the sun and captured the Swedish country side during the golden hour several times. Let's hope that July continues in the same spirit!Idag täcks dock himlen av regntunga moln och jag stannar inne och pysslar med dittan och dattan. Är så himla sugen på att göra om här hemma! Så nu har jag fastnat i små renoverings-/organiseringsprojekt som att t.ex snickra ihop lite plank till en ny fotobakgrund, ordna om i stringhyllan, plantera sticklingar, fixa i ordning badrummet med nya handdukar och kanske en grön växt? och ev. renovera mitt köksbord samt byrå, ifall det går som jag vill. Ska testa och slipa lite på ett hörn som inte syns först ;-)Lite läsning har jag förstås också hunnit med under månadens gång. Här nedan är ett urval att sådant jag fastnat för på internet!-But today the sky is heavy with rainy clouds and I'm staying inside to fix a little bit of this and that. I really feel like making something different here at home! So now I'm stuck in little renovation/organization projects like constructing a new photo background from old planks, reorganize my shelves, replanting my smallest plants into bigger pots, making the bathroom nicer with new towels and perhaps a green plant? and possibly renovate my kitchen table and bureau if it works they way I want to. Will try and sand down an insignificant corner first and see how it turns out ;-)Of course I've also done some reading during the past month. Below is a selection of things that caught my eye on the internet!

June Link Love

  • I love Ingrid's travel stories and these one's from Venice and New York had particularly striking photography. I've always been weak for that kind of travel photography that capture things like little treats from bakeries, cups of coffee, streets views and just the kind of daily life in the city, rather than the typical sightseeing. Ingrid's food photography is also stunning btw!

  • I'm DYING to make Sarah's Fudgesicles! Looks. So. Good. I can't even.

  • Also Laura's brownie bites. Just the kind of sweets I like!

  • Louise (whom I've linked to before bc she's brilliant) has started an international blog/platform for highly sensitive introverts called Oh So Sensitive! 100% recognition and 200% peptalk and inspiration. So awesome! She has translated her most popular articles to English so all of you English speakers who are not familiar with Louise from before, go check her out asap.

  • Mary also recently launched a new site and it's gorgeous! I love looking into her life on the countryside and follow the renovations and daily happenings at Lilla Sundby :-)

  • I want everything from this shop. And the best thing is, I feel like I can buy it without feeling bad about it. The items comes from small producers and they are all handmade/hand printed in high quality and often organic/made with natural dyes etc. I've got the "I refuse to sink" dress, the small leather pouch (as my wallet) and, hopefully in a few days, the stunning Mandala throw in maroon/orange to bring to picnics, the beach, outdoors meditation sessions etc. <3 The yogi/hippie vibes combined with sailor romance could possibly be the most brilliant style combo ever.

  • I definitely wanna make Evelina's broccoli pizza some time this summer. Also the watermelon popsicles with chia seeds!

  • I listen a lot to Oak & Fir's spring/summer mixtape these days.

  • Loved this short story on Swedish public tv and how it plays with gender roles. Such a cute love story as well!

  • Hannah Ellen wrote such a beautiful essay on alternative things to do during summer for those who rather day away from the dance floors and big cities. Recognized a lot in this text!

Wishing you a nice weekend!xo AgnesAll photographs, recipes and content are Cashew Kitchen originals, unless otherwise indicated. Feel free to go wild on pinning, but always link back here and credit Cashew Kitchen when sharing. Thanks!