April Collage | Cashew KitchenMin två månaders tjänstledighet från jobbet är snart slut. Nästa vecka är jag tillbaka i Saltå Kvarnbutiken igen, visserligen bara för några timmar här och där, men ändå. I början av tjänstledigheten så kändes några timmar i veckan som sjukt lite. Hur skulle jag kunna leva på det? Jag kunde inte tänka mig att jag skulle ha tillräckligt med uppdrag för att hålla mig flytande efter bara två månader. Nu undrar jag istället hur sjutton jag ska hinna med allt?!-My two months leave of absence from work is almost over. Next week I'm back in the store again. Only for a few hours a week, but still. In the beginning of March, a couple of hours a week felt like waaay to little. How would I be able to live on that? I couldn't imagine I would have enough freelance work to keep me floating after only two month's full time work with my own business (I've had my company for a little over a year, but only done a little freelance work on the side up until now). Now I instead wonder how I'm gonna have time for everything?!Scroll down to continue reading in English!Apple Pie Baking | Cashew KitchenUnder de två månader som varit har jag gjort mycket grundjobb. Liksom sopat upp en väg för framtida jobb. Och det är först nu som saker börjar hända. Mitt i att jag börjar jobba i butiken igen. Jag har en känsla av att jag kommer behöva bli betydligt mer disciplinerad och välplanerad framöver, hehe...Men jag tror att det kommer bli en fin blandning av sysselsättningar. Har saknat mina kollegor så himla mycket, och doften av nybakat bröd på morgnarna. Kommer förmodligen göra ett kul event i butiken framöver förresten! Skriver lite mer om det när det börjar närma sig :-)Bilderna i det här inlägget visar några fina stunder från månaden som gått. Intensivt receptjobb med Marianne på mitt sommarställe, soliga promenader i Nacka reservatet, pannkaksfrukost, det första receptet i min nya serie Frilansmåndag, rostad morotssoppa på resterna från min & Mariannes fotografering, bovetegranola med avokado & jordgubbar och så mandel & citronkakan från här om dagen. En väldigt produktiv månad verkar det som, när jag ser tillbaka!Så himla knäppt att jag får göra såhär roliga grejer hela tiden?! Eller får och får, det är ju jag som har sett till att jag kan göra det. Ibland är det verkligen svårt att ta in att ens yrkesliv kan se ut såhär. Och jag vet att jag snackar om jobb hela tiden, men det är för att det är så nära sammankopplat med mina fritidsintressen. Lika mycket lek som jobb. Det finns inga tydliga distinktioner för mig. Det är mitt liv helt enkelt. Matlagning, fotograferande, skrivande, utflykter, inspirerande skypesamtal med vänner/kollegor om framtida projekt/livet. Allt i en salig blandning.Jag lovade er en låtlista också. Sommarförväntan med precis lagom blandning av pepp och melankolisk magi. Hoppas ni gillar den! Titeln kommer från en låt av Virginia Astley, som tyvärr inte finns på Spotify :/Ps. Om ni klickar er vidare till min publika Spotify-profil så finns där en hel radda med låtlistor på olika teman :-)a summer long since passedSkärmavbild 2016-04-30 kl. 20.34.15Har du missat de tidigare låtlistorna jag gjort på årstidstema?när himlen mörknar och våra kängor pulsar tunga genom parkenisarna brister2 x Breakfast: Banana Pancakes + Millet Porridge with Kiwi & Peanut Butter | Cashew KitchenDuring the past two months I've done a lot of ground work. Kind of opening up for a path of future commissions and collaborations. It's only now that things I really starting to happen. At the same time as I'm going back to work. I have feeling I need to be much more disciplined and well planned from now on haha... But I also think it's gonna be a nice mix of occupations. I've missed my colleges like crazy, and also the smell of fresh bread in the morning from the bakery delivery. It's gonna be nice to be back. Work with people for a change ;-)The pictures in this post show glimpses from the month that has passed. An intense recipe job I did with Marianne out in the countryside, sunny walks in Nacka Nature Reserve, pancake breakfast, the first recipe in my new series Freelance Monday,roasted carrot soup from the leftovers of mine and Marianne's photo shoot, buckwheat granola with avocado & strawberries and the almond lemon cake from the other day. A very productive month it seems like!So weird that I get to do all of these fun things for a living?! Or I mean, I created the foundation for that myself, but it's still hard to grasp sometimes. That work can look like this. And I know I talk about work all the time, but it's because it's so ingrained in everything else I do. Cooking, photographing, going for day trips, having inspirational skype meetings with friends/colleges discussion future projects/life. There's no clear distinctions. It's all equal parts work and play. Life, essentially.I promised you a playlist as well. A summery one with a perfect mix of upbeat and melancholic magic. I hope you like it! The title comes from a song by Virginia Astley that unfortunately is not on Spotify.Here it is! (see screenshot above)a summer long since passedPs. If you click your way forward to my public Spotify profile you can find a whole range of playlists with different moods.Here are the previous seasonal playlists I've created, in case you missed them:när himlen mörknar och våra kängor pulsar tunga genom parkenisarna bristerRoasted Carrot & Rosemary Soup | Cashew KitchenOlive Oil Buckwheat Granola + Almond lemon Cake | Cashew KitchenApril crushes:

  • Karoline's plant based quark bread. So good! I love that it's kind of like a fake Danish rye bread too. Or, like a simplified version I guess. I tasted this bread on a breakfast event that Alpro hosted last week, and Karoline was one of the creators behind the amazing food we had. Besides the bread she had also made three yummy plant based spreads to put on it. I'm for sure making this bread at home soon!
  • Minimalism: A documentary about the important things. Excited to see this one when it comes out! I'm really intrigued by the minimalism idea. I feel like it encapsulates my values so well, only I haven't really known how to express it before. Now I feel super inspired to practice being more mindful with how I spend my money, along with getting rid of all the unnecessary stuff, to create space for the important things in life, both physically and mentally speaking.
  • This video both makes me laugh so hard and sigh so high. Like, ugh, what is it with guys sometimes?! Why can't a juice be just a juice? Joe & the Juice is now officially Joe & the Douch.
  • Louise's Open letter from your introverted friend (in Swedish). Can check off every single statement in this articles. New favorite blog btw!
  • Johanna N's brilliant text about the importance of charging for your work, and why she refuses the "everything for free-culture" (text in Swedish). Also, I'm so getting this necklace Johanna designed in collaboration with FATTA, a collective working towards a new awareness around sex, abuse and legislation.
  • Sarah's Colossal Healthy Chocolate Bars sounds insanely delicious! I've been meaning to make them all month but somehow I haven't got around to it yet. But I want them so bad!!
  • I love this bouquet Laura & Nora assembled for their latest post. Those pink and wine red flowers pairs really nice with the raspberry (?) sprigs and deep green hues. So beautiful! Makes me long for summer even more, so I can go out in the fields and pick wild flowers <3
  • I really really like Malin's idea of combining chai latte and golden milk into one drink, the Golden Chai Latte. I tried it the other day and it was <3<3<3 Saving this for rainy days.
  • I've been drinking Evelina's ginger shot every morning all month, and I love it! Before I always juiced the ginger and lemon in a juicer, but the clean up was way too fuzzy to deal with in the morning so I stopped after a while. I thought Evelina's method was much smoother, so thanks to her I'm back at this routine :-)
  • Tara's immensely beautiful writing, outlining memories I never had but now can recall almost as my own. Powerful, vivid and humble at the same time. If you are not familiar with Tara's writing and recipes from before, you have a universe to discover.
  • This short text made me feel much more confident in where I'm at right now. That it doesn't have to be "finished". It's not about reaching goals, or competing in who's got the most adult points. It's about becoming. And the becoming is a thrilling state to be in. It's where life changing events are happening. We will always be in transition, never finished, never fully grown up, never "all set". It's in the moving between things that everyday life happens.

 All photographs, recipes and content are Cashew Kitchen originals, unless otherwise indicated. Always link back here and credit Cashew Kitchen when sharing, thanks!