Parsnip and Lingonberry Muffins with Cardamom

Parsnip & Lingonberry Muffins | Cashew Kitchen
Parsnip & Lingonberry Muffin | Cashew Kitchen

One thing that I value a lot when it comes to my high sensitivity is my ability to suddenly swoon over the smallest of things, even when I'm having a rough time. Like the sounds of melting snow, dripping from the branches. Or the complete stillness of the sea while the sun is warming my pale cheeks. Like finalizing this recipe for gluten free muffins already by 9am in the morning, and hence enjoying a warm and perfectly moist vs. crumbly parsnip & lingonberry muffin with my mid morning coffee.

Like nailing the perfect amount of cardamom to cake batter, or discovering the sunbathed, secret dock and sit there to write without even the slightest sounds. No boats, no cars, no people. Not even in the distance. The feeling of having found a sacred and forgotten corner of the world, far away from the daily buzz of the city life. Like literally watching the ice melt out over the bay, while it's happening.

That yesterday was colored with worry and frustration is forgotten in a matter of seconds, when I discover the magic of today. That is why I love & cherish my sensitivity.So when I write this, on a perfectly ordinary Friday, I savor my sweet, warm and comforting muffin slowly while sipping freshly brewed coffee and not particularly bothered by the uneasy caffeine rush. It doesn't matter much that I was sad yesterday, stressed out the day before and probably will feel anxious tomorrow. It's all a roller coaster of big emotions, but s long as I can feel it all without shame or restrictions, I'm fine with it.

I've baked these gluten free muffins for a number of people. Family, colleagues and Hannah of course. They've all unanimously loved them. And no wonder! The parsnip lends a wonderful sweetness and moist to the core, lingonberries provide tartness and bright color. The almond flour makes for a nutty and crumbly crust. The freshly ground cardamom reminiscent of a since long forgotten Saturday ritual of bakery and market visits. The completeness of it all - pure comfort and soul healing.

I do love a good muffin with coffee.

This recipe is adapted from a recipe by Karoline Jönsson, that she made for us one time when I visited her cute home in the southern Swedish countryside. Here I've made a gluten free version with eggs.

Recipe after the jump!

Parsnip & Lingonberry Muffin | Cashew Kitchen

These muffins are dairy free and gluten free. I haven't tried my hand on a vegan version, so if you try this recipe with flax/chia eggs - let me know how it turned out will you? <3

Parsnip and lingonberry muffins with cardamom

12 small muffins

Prep + baking time: 15 + 20-25 min

Notes: 1) If you don't have lingonberry jam at hand, you can sub it with some other slightly tart jam, like raspberry or cranberry, 2) I highly recommend buying cardamom seeds to ground yourself with a mortar and pestle. It makes all the different for the flavor! I buy the kernels, and not the green pods. 


  • 4 1/2 dl (just under 2 cups) almond flour

  • 5 tbsp rice flour

  • 5 tbsp corn flour

  • 2 1/2 tsp baking powder

  • 1 tsp freshly ground cardamom

  • 1/2 tsp pure vanilla powder

  • 3 eggs

  • 4 1/2 tbsp raw sugar

  • 2 pinches of salt

  • 1 1/2 dl (2/3 cup) lingonberry jam + 4 tbsp extra

  • 3 dl (1 + 1/4 cup) parsnip, finely grated & loosely packed (about one medium sized parsnip)

  • 4 tbsp coconut oil, melted


Heat oven to 200'C/390'F.

Grease a muffin tin or prepare a tray with paper forms. See baking notes below if using paper forms*

Combine almond flour, rice flour, corn flour, baking powder, vanilla and cardamom in a bowl.

Peel and grate the parsnip on the fine side of the grater. Set aside.

In a separate bowl, beat the eggs, sugar and salt until fluffy. Fold in the lingonberry jam, the grated parsnip and the melted coconut oil. Don't stir it more than you need to.

Add the dry mix to the wet gradually and fold to combine. Again, don't stir more than necessary.

Distribute the batter between 12 muffin forms. Make a little hole in each one and fill with 1 tsp lingonberry jam. Press it down slightly.

Bake the muffins in the middle of the oven for about 18-24 minutes. Please keep in mind that the baking time may vary. Keep a close lookout after around 15 minutes, and remove from oven when the muffins are generously golden and crispy on top.

*If you are baking your muffins in their paper form only, you can probably reduce the baking time to around 15 min.

Let cool slightly before removing from the muffin tray. Enjoy!