
Hello! This is me and my crooked smile trying to look like we pose for selfies every day.Since a lot of new readers have dropped in lately, and since I finally took some self portraits first time in years, I thought I would share a couple of random things about myself through this list I found over at Floras : ) And welcome all you new people!! I am beyond excited that you are here! :D A couple of practical matters: Cashew Kitchen is also on instagram, facebook and pinterest. If you want to read about the history of Cashew Kitchen you'll find it here. And if you're especially interested in food styling and photography, I've written about that here. You're always welcome to email me about any specific questions! This list is mostly for fun (and also because I get super awkward when I have to talk about myself).and yes I cut my bangs myself... /\/\/\/\/\Ok let's go! 5 things I keep saying - SÅ fett!- Toppen!- Helt sinnes- Obvi- ÄE guu vad gott!5 things I keep thinking- I think I'm about to get a cold- I should probably install that backup disk- I really need to finish this paragraph but I'm just gonna check my inbox real quick...- *empty* :'C *nobody wants me*- mmmm cooffeee5 things I often dream about during the night- That I have something tiny (like an animal or a baby) that I fail to take care of :(- Food, obvi- I can't find my way back home- Being late (often due to other people around me being slow hehe) and not being able to run or hurry- Totally normal things happening which makes me super confused about what's real and not :S5 things few people know about me- One time a fork (with spaghetti on it) got stuck between my teeth and it took me forever to get it loose :(((- One time when I was 2 I walked naked into the living room, stopped for a moment, then peed right on the floor where I stood, in front of my entire family, whereupon I exclaimed "I've peed now!". It's on tape. My family still tease me about it.- The true reason I turned vegetarian for real as 19 was because I was in love with one : )- When I run I want to listen to as noisy music as possible.- I was incredibly insecure about my body when I was younger. I have a very vivid memory of the first time ever that I actually felt my body was OK or even attractive, and that was at 16 at a concert at Kafé 44, hopping around like crazy to this song. After that I became a feminist. Haha no just kidding. I've always been that ; )5 things I like to do- Have slow breakfast while reading a novel- Take a walk on the first chilly day in September and really feel all the changes and possibilities that comes with the autumn air- Drink cheap sparkling wine, listen to Swedish female hip hop and get ready for a party/night out.- Run in the rain (Yuck! I realize how cliché that sounds)- Wash away all the sand and salt from my body after a day at the beach, then take a nap in clean, white hotel sheets5 things I want to do before the year is over- Get a tattoo- Being able to live on this blog, recipe development, food photography etc.- Travel to Iceland- Write a cookbook (dream scenario)- Spend some time at my family's summer house with a couple of friends5 things I order when abroad- Beer. Just like home.- Cappuccino- Mineral water- Dessert- Mojito5 things I miss in my wardrobe- A winter coat that I actually like- Low, black Dr Martens- A clean, black, oversized shirt- A Fred Perry piké shirt (always wanted one)- Besides that I'm pretty content5 things that smell wonderful- The smell from café Blå Lotus. Reminds me of teenage years- Freshly brewed coffee (classic)- The smell of sausages from the food trucks (yup)- Warm, wet asphalt- Bon-fire by the lake in northern Sweden during summer5 things I want to be better at- Be impulsive- Show feelings- Photographing and editing- Sing, but it's hopeless- Keep calm, don't worry5 things that makes me laugh- My brother- Folklivsfanatikern- ThisShoshanna from Girls- Elin Unnes book "The Secret Gardener"5 things that makes me me- I almost never get angry about things- That I'm good at listening to people- That I have a clear sense of direction and keep pushing towards where I want to be- That I'm creative in the kitchen :)- That I don't care much about how one is "supposed" to be or do thingsFeel free to do the list you too and post it on your blog/insta/in the comments and link me so I can see :Dxo AgnesAll photographs, recipes and content are Cashew Kitchen originals, unless otherwise indicated. Please link back to me and credit Cashew Kitchen when sharing. Thanks!