February Link Love


Food Photography Retreat in Florence, Italy | Cashew KitchenHey darlings! The shortest month of the year has passed, and phew! what a month! I feel like it was only yesterday I went to Italy for our food photography retreat, and I had plans for many many more recipes this month than what I've actually had time to create. But exciting things are happening, and for the first time ever I feel like this whole freelance thing might actually work out.I have lots of links for you this time, so I'm gonna keep it short and sweet here and continue to talk a bit more about what I've been reading, watching and listened to last month.Links after the jump!February | Cashew KitchenFebruary | Cashew Kitchen

february link love

First I wanna kick off by sending some major love to my favorite photography duo, Babes in Boyland <3 Whenever I head over to their site to read the latest post, I can't help but continue scrolling forever and ever because their photographs are simply magical. I would describe it as dark, nordic and with a soft glow. Furthermore, I am so so happy I managed to get a spot to their food photography & yoga retreat on Gotland in May!! Here are some more of their photos from Gotland and Visby. Can't wait!Another photographer that I think you should check out is my friend Ingrid. I'm so in love with her food oriented lifestyle & travel photography! She's got a clean and urban look that is quite far from my own style, which is perhaps the reason why it sparks something in me. We met at the food photography retreat in Florence, and I hope we get to see each other soon again. Perhaps in Amsterdam this time? :-)No one's missed the new season of Girls, right? I know I haven't! ;-)I've been completely obsessed by Josefin & Vanja's podcast lately. So much that I've binge listened to almost all the old episodes. It's quite far from what I normally listen to, but the vibes these girls send out are just soo good for me <3 If you're looking for something feel good, thoughtful and funny with plenty of girl power and 100% relatable topics, check it out! (In Swedish)A couple of weeks ago, my friend Annie aka Vegokäk wrote such a loving blog post about her "blog sisters", and it almost made me tear up. This is exactly how I feel about our blog community as well, and I'm lucky to be surrounded by so many talented, generous and genuine people <3 (The blog post is in Swedish)Elin aka Teknifik (the new blog boss in Sweden, in case you don't know her ;-) started an email club, and I just know in my heart that this girl's gonna take over the world! Sign up asap if you haven't (also in Swedish...).The other day I read a super interesting article on how the bacteria in our gut communicates with our brain and (possibly) determines our mood. I'm really into learning about gut health and the microbiome right now. Partly because I can tell mine are off somehow, and I need to figure out how to heal my gut. But also because I find it immensely fascinating learning about how the different systems in our bodies are intricately connected. To think of my body as a delicate (but also quite resilient) ecosystem makes so much sense to me, and I'm glad that this notion is gaining more recognition within the medical community.On a similar topic, Rachel Carlton Abrams talks about body intelligence in a Rich Roll podcast episode. This episode really puts a name on what I feel like I always strive towards, but haven't really known what to call. It's about being in tune with the signals of your body, and what can happen if you're not. Very interesting!I'm trying to add in plenty of anti inflammatory foods to my diet right now. Fresh turmeric root, ginger, citrus fruits and various vegetables. Which results in a lot of golden smoothies. This one with turmeric, mango & bee pollen from Renee aka Will Frolic For Food has been a big inspiration!Marta aka What Should I Eat For Breakfast Today is on a camper van road trip in New Zealand with her 2 year old daughter, and I'm so impressed she had the courage and determination to do this! I mean gosh, it can't be easy with a 2 year old. But she writes so funny and lovingly about all the compromises, and what an amazing time they have despite the difficulties. Also, the photography is stunning!With spring around the corner, I dream about finally being able to wear real clothes (as opposed to thermols and layers upon layers of knitwear). I'm thinking comfy and flowy yet stylish and wish plenty of jewelry and interesting details. If I could, I would get pretty much every item from the For Good Luck web shop. I love how everything is carefully selected from their travels, and how it's sustainably produced/hand made and oftentimes organic.Finally, let's just talk a bit about how cool it is when awesome bloggers just go ahead and create their own products from scratch? I am so so impressed by people who take control of their own careers and steer them right in the direction they wanna go, without waiting for permission (or commissions) from someone else. This is exactly what I'm trying to do myself, which is why I really value inspiration like this: Louise at Oh So Sensitive (whom I have linked to many times before) are writing an ebook on this very topic, called Design your Dream Job - DIY career creation for highly sensitive creatives. How awesome?! The book is available for pre-order, so check it out if it sounds like something you could need! Now it almost sounds like I'm sponsored, by no, she's just a fave blogger and friend of mine :-)

Do you have any inspiring links you would like to share? Tell me about it in the comments!

February | Cashew KitchenAll photographs, recipes and content are Cashew Kitchen originals, unless otherwise indicated. Feel free to go wild on pinning, but remember all content is copyright protected. Always link back here and credit Cashew Kitchen when sharing. Thanks!